The Hidden Dangers of the Sparkling Water Trend

Woman Drinking Sparkling Water Close Up

Sparkling water has become a refreshing, popular, low-calorie alternative to sugary beverages and has gained a huge, dedicated following for those who want to enjoy bubbly, flavored drinks. However, we want to shed light on the hidden dangers of sparkling water because while it may seem harmless, prolonged and excessive consumption of sparkling water can have long-term effects on your dental health. 

The Hidden Dangers of Sparkling Water 

Sparkling water is primarily acidic due to its carbonation. When carbon dioxide dissolves in water, it forms carbonic acid, reducing the pH level of the water and making it more acidic. While sparkling water is less acidic than soda, having frequent exposure to these acids can harm the enamel on your teeth. Over time, the enamel can degrade and lead to tooth sensitivity, decay, and discoloration. 

It’s important in these cases to treat sparkling water as a treat for yourself and not your main source of hydration. Your enamel is the hardest substance in your body, but it is also the most vulnerable to disease. When your enamel goes away, there’s no way to get it back naturally! 

So, between sparkling water and water, we highly suggest you choose water. Water provides many benefits for your mouth that your teeth will thank you for, including: 

  • Hydration: Water is the best way to hydrate your body, including your mouth. A well-hydrated mouth helps maintain optimal saliva production, which is crucial for washing away food particles, neutralizing acids, and preventing dry mouth. 
  • Neutralizes Acid: Water has a neutral pH of 7, which helps neutralize acids in your mouth. Drinking water after consuming acidic substances can help rinse away the acid and protect your teeth.
  • Stimulates Saliva Production: Drinking water stimulates the production of saliva, which has numerous benefits for oral health. Saliva helps wash away food particles and plaque, neutralize acids, and remineralize tooth enamel. 
  • Rinse Away Food Particles: Drinking water can act as a natural rinse, helping to dislodge and wash away food particles stuck between your teeth. This reduces the chances of bacterial growth, plaque formation, and tooth decay.
  • No Sugar or Acids: Unlike sugary and acidic beverages such as soda, sports drinks, and fruit juices, water is free from these harmful elements. Choosing water over sugary and acidic drinks minimizes the risk of dental problems.
  • No Staining: Water contains no colorants or chromogens that can stain your teeth, unlike coffee, tea, red wine, and other pigmented beverages. You can help maintain a brighter, whiter smile by opting for water as your primary drink.
  • Supports Overall Health: Drinking an adequate amount of water is essential for your overall health, which, in turn, influences your dental health. When your body is healthy, it reflects positively on your oral health.
  • Cost-Effective and Readily Available: Water is widely accessible, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly. Choosing water as your beverage can save money and reduce waste from single-use plastic bottles or other packaged drinks.

Learn More About Caring For Your Teeth at Sunset Dental Group

Sparkling water is still an excellent alternative to soda, but it shouldn’t be used daily. Make sure to think of your teeth when you’re choosing the right foods. If you want to learn more about how to best care for your teeth, schedule an appointment today with Sunset Dental Group in Santa Ana, CA, by calling (714) 547-6671 to speak with Drs. Amanda Rae Kronquist and Zakary Adam Kronquist.

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    DR. JERRY KRONQUIST, DDS At Sunset Dental Group, dentistry is a family affair. They are dedicated to providing expert dental care to the Santa Ana community, Drs. Jerry, Amanda, and Zachary Kronquist bring nearly 60 years of combined experience to their practice. Patients at Sunset Dental benefit from the kind of dental care that only comes at a clinic where dentistry is a family tradition.
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