Why Does My Jaw Keep Locking? | The Truth Behind Lockjaw

Woman Experiencing Jawlock

Did you know your jaw can exert up to 275 lbs of force in a single bite? Your mouth is mighty and strong, and it’s one of the most essential parts of your body that helps you eat and speak. But if you’re experiencing signs of lockjaw, then you may have TMD. In today’s blog, we’ll provide information about what causes TMD, how you can manage it, and why it’s important to seek out TMD treatment from your dentist. 

Why Does My Jawline Keep Locking Up? The Truth Behind Lockjaw

If you’re experiencing signs of locking, clicking, and popping every time you move your jaw, then you could have TMD. TMD, or temporomandibular joint disorder, is a disorder that affects the temporomandibular joint, or the main joint that attaches to the lower areas of your skull. This joint is the hinge point allowing the mouth to open and close freely. TMD can be caused by many factors, as no known cause for this condition exists. Some of the factors that can play a role in TMD include:

  • Arthritis: Osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, or rheumatoid arthritis are some types that can cause TMD.
  • Jaw Clenching: Jaw clenching can contribute to TMD by placing unwanted pressure along the joint/ 
  • Teeth Grinding: Teeth grinding can cause worn down teeth, sore jawline, and dry mouth, and it’s considered a condition that can lead to TMD.
  • Sleep Apnea: Signs of obstructive sleep apnea can cause your jawline to shift into unusual positions, leading to TMD.
  • Over or Underbites: Any untreated malocclusions, such as underbites or overbites, can increase the risk of TMD.
  • Facial Trauma: Previous facial trauma from accidents or injuries can impact jaw movement and lead to TMD. 

While not considered a fatal condition, it can be painful over time. Even if you never experience any serious jaw problems, it’s always recommended to seek treatment from a dentist or oral surgeon for your condition. TMD is known to lead to long-term side effects later on in life, leading to problems sleeping, speaking, and eating. If you want to learn how to protect yourself from lockjaw, here are some simple steps you can take: 

  • Avoid chewing gum as it can impact TMD
  • If you find your jaw clenching, focus on releasing it.
  • Avoid hard candies or crunchy foods 
  • Sit upright to improve your jawline posture
  • Get a mouthguard from your dentist
  • Receive TMD treatment from a sleep apnea specialist, dentist, orthodontist, or oral surgeon. 

Make Sure to Visit Sunset Dental Group For TMD Treatment Today!

If you would like to learn more about treatments for Lockjaw or TMD, visit Sunset Dental Group. At our practice, both Dr. Amanda Rae Kronquist and Dr. Zakary Adam Kronquist can provide effective dental services for TMD throughout the Santa Ana, CA, area. Schedule an appointment today by calling (714) 547-6671 to learn more about our services, our treatment options, and our dedication to your dental care.

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    DR. JERRY KRONQUIST, DDS At Sunset Dental Group, dentistry is a family affair. They are dedicated to providing expert dental care to the Santa Ana community, Drs. Jerry, Amanda, and Zachary Kronquist bring nearly 60 years of combined experience to their practice. Patients at Sunset Dental benefit from the kind of dental care that only comes at a clinic where dentistry is a family tradition.
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